Why I ‘quit’ Yoga, and here’s what next for me
My new venture for 2021
It’s not that I have a sudden distaste for yoga now, rather there are just some aspects of yoga that had caused my thinking distortions and frustrations, and I knew I had to move on from that to breakthrough and continue living a life I wanna live.
One would say, “But that is not what Yoga is all about and you’ve completely misinterpreted it.”
However, I would say that Yoga had indeed helped me a lot at one point in time and I’m really grateful for that (I mean, I wrote an article about it, in fact, I even have individual articles talking about each Yoga Sutras teachings)
But I realized I cannot completely be ‘Well’ if I am still struggling financially- to constantly have to worry about my income and succumb to the consumers dilemma (e.g.decision fatigue, buyers remorse etc.); yet……
I am hesitant to continue counting on the yoga industry (or fitness in general) for my livelihood and sustenance, and I’m also sick and tired of going around trying to impress people with conversations I don’t actually bother having (aka interviews).
Sure, money isn’t everything; but everything comes with a price.
So it’s just a matter of whether it’s money currency you use to ‘pay’ with, or with your time and effort (and perhaps be willing to sacrifice your comfort and values in the process).
To be honest, I thought I had ‘learned’ the lessons and applied what I’ve gained through Yoga in my life, but I guess I wasn’t really applying it rightfully in the context of my career (or at least, in a way that is favorable to my sanity and happiness).
So right now, I‘m switching my focus on something else that can help me develop into the future self I wanna be today, and achieve that success I’ve redefined for myself.
Hence, introducing: shop.com
Wait, so…It’s e-commerce for you now?
Yes, you can call me an online shopping consultant in simplified terms if that makes it easier for you to visualize what I do, but it’s actually more than that.
I’m also a coach, a leader, an influencer- essentially anything is possible with this business. In fact, everything that I’ve pursued before can even be utilized here too so I guess I’m not thwarted by the sunk-cost fallacy (a cognitive bias that jeopardizes most people's happiness).
Like a business owner, I get to do everything.
But unlike a business owner, I don’t have to do everything (at least not the things I find to be tedious- e.g. programming a website, figure out accounting, finding products to sell and stocking up on inventory, etc.)
If you’re curious to know more about how the business works in more details (or even how you join me on my venture!), schedule a call with me and I’ll be happy to share with you further :)
But right now, I’m just going to summarize how I’m reframing my Yoga/life lessons and reintegrating them into my current phase of life (and career):
Recap and new insights:
“Being able to create freedom from my predispositions or habitual patterns”
Subconsciously I still cared about what other people think and tried to suppress some parts of myself because I thought that I needed to be careful about maintaining a ‘good’ reputation; as my livelihood depended on them.
But it was after getting myself involved in this business, that finally gave me the confidence to truly get past my traumas- to say ‘no more’ to the old self, and ‘yes’ to the envisioned future self. To actually mean it when I say that I’m enough and have enough, but also capable of more as long as I choose to keep moving forward.
Continuous execution is the key to your success- Cheanu
“Being able to practice mindfulness, and create moments of happiness for myself”
I realized that I can enjoy the moments I spend doing things that I like to do alone, or with whoever I encounter along in my journey- regardless of whether we’ve shared a brief moment or a deep connection.
I don’t need to stick to a tribe my whole life to feel belonged and acknowledged in this world, or for my existence to matter. I can even have multiple tribes at once for all that matters.
And If I do find one(or some) that I could connect with at one point in time, I can be grateful, but not attached; for I understand that relationships are always changing- just like the seasons in life.
People come and go, and maybe they’ll return who knows; but the friend in me, stays true and remains forever.
“Being able to let go of a scarcity mindset and embrace abundance in my life”
I was only able to truly allow myself to embrace abundance in all aspects of my life; when I finally accepted monetary abundance for myself through this business- analyzing and then letting go of the limiting beliefs and judgement I had about money and wealth.
Being wealthy doesn’t mean you’re going to turn into a ‘bad’ person (like what mainstream social media portrays).
Nor will you have to ‘cheat’ your way through (aka scam), or work like shit (aka have no life), or have super amazing talent and experiences to get there (not with shop.com at least).
Rather, being wealthy means you have the ultimate POWER TO CHOOSE and execute consciously- to dominate, manipulate and destroy, or to use it to live your best life and help others lives theirs as well; create a happier world?
“Being able to let go of comparison and developing close relationships with my family”
Mum, thank you for your sincere intention to bring me up as a ‘good’ individual; but I just can’t allow the negative beliefs you have about money and certain groups of people to infiltrate my thoughts and distort my perception.
I still love and respect you as a person, but even if you don’t fully support what I’m doing and how I define my success, just know that my intention is clear:
I’m doing this because I know my independence and personal development will be ultimately good for the family in the long run.
Update: Though after seeing how I’m progressing in this business thus far, it seems like she’s pretty open to it now ;)
“Being open to other religions and to changes”
But also to other career paths, life decisions and beliefs, structures and routine; embracing differences and discomfort in all- taking it on as a pursuit of growth
This also actually ties in with the below two points:-
“Being able to let go of the thought that I am only suitable to learn and master certain knowledge or skills”
I had to stop being so fucking cocky to think that I was meant for something ‘unique’- that I was created for a noble ‘purpose’ and I just have to find it.
Oftentimes when people say that they just can’t do ‘Sales’ or ‘Network Marketing’, it’s not because they lack the skills; but rather they believe that it’s skills reserved for the ‘low and average’, and so they’re not willing to master that, and they subconsciously judge people who do.
Well if that’s the case, what are we saying about people like Warren Buffet then?
“Being able to understand more about human nature”
You don’t fully understand people until you’ve experienced being in their shoes, literally.
So do give people the benefit of the doubt and don’t judge their life decisions, as they’re all doing the best that they can, even though sometimes it doesn’t make sense to you. Also, question the way you make ‘sense’ of things, is it based on over-generalization or a personal experience- which tbh both aren’t the most accurate representation of what others are really going through in their lives.
So instead, focus on understanding yourself better and making decisions that you deem is the best for you at that moment in time. Let others do their thing and avoid drama as much as you can.
“Being OK with the ok, with stillness, and with simplicity”
But also be OK with advancement, the hustle and progression of technology
And so ‘simplicity’ doesn’t mean you can ONLY enjoy the good things in life that are free and reject your desire to want to also experience newness and out-of-the-ordinary moments that require some amount of investment (aka substantial income).
Rather, adapt and appreciate whatever comes your way, both the ordinary and the ‘extraordinary’.
“Being able to embrace my feminine energy and not feel like I have to constantly do traditionally ‘feminine’ things to justify that”
But it’s also ok to love putting on make-up and enjoy a good skincare routine.
Not because you’re obsessed with how you look to impress others, or as a necessity to hide one’s flaws and insecurities; but rather they are just different mediums to express and play with one’s creativity and identity.
And yes, GUYS as well. You’re free to go about that route and have fun with it.
The traditional ideas of masculinity/feminity are mostly bullshit anyway.
“Being able to look at ways to add value to others”
I can add value to others, while concurrently adding value to my own as well
Sure I can continue to provide the tools, support, and encouragement for people to improve their health and mindset as a wellness coach, but if they aren’t feeling financially stable or have that base level of financial security, to begin with; there’s always gonna be a roadblock for them to achieve their optimum health and life.
In an ideal world, health is universal. But sadly, in reality, we all know that the investment of health- e.g. quality foods, professional healthcare, etc. can all add up. I suppose people who provide these services have to feed themselves as well.
So what if I can work on something that allows a win-win situation for all? Where everyone’s financial freedom is dependent on the help and support from one another, and the benefits are equally mutual; rather than a survival of the ‘fittest’ kind-of-thing and where the top gets the most (aka the ‘boss’)?
Well, turns out it’s possible. Because now with this platform, I can provide a truly valuable approach for all people (including myself!) to achieve COMPLETE wellness.
“Being able to acknowledge and embrace my ‘selfish’ nature”
Yes, I want the freedom to be who I want, to do whatever I want, whenever I want, with whoever I want and as many times as I want.
To just read and write as long as I want and not have to think about generating income. To organize supper clubs and invite people over to share amazing meals. To attend courses/workshops that I have an interest in learning…
Basically to never stop exploring and experimenting with what life has to offer.
“I’m no better than anyone else, I’m not an angel”
This still holds true. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why I created Rebellious Wellness.
But that doesn’t mean that I can’t still achieve and enjoy the great things I choose in life, even with the ‘devil’ in me.
Rather, it’s all about finding the balance- between the Yin and the Yang within myself; in order to feel a sense of peace and fulfillment as a whole, and be yours truly,
Anyway, in case you’ve missed it above and you’re curious to know more about how the business works in more details (or even how you join me on my venture!), schedule a call with me and I’ll be happy to share with you further :)
Wishing you all abundance,
kind.r3bel #wild2well