The cost of constant pursuit for money and happiness

How the Law of Attraction can fuck you up big time

Yong Tien Cin


Recently, I’ve been approached by different Multi-level marketing(MLM) industries; convincing me to join them and be an Independent Business Owner(IBO).

ACN, WWDB……who knows what’s next.

But If any more comes my way, I wold just tell them GTFO (Go to find someone else) because it’s clearly not for me.

Gosh I love acronyms.

*(Note: I’m not saying these businesses are ‘bad’ and people who are doing these are scammers, it’s just not something I’d like to pursue.)

Anyway, It all started from that hefty fine I got from a copper for not obeying the road laws.

I was flabbergasted. (Apparently I didn’t stop for a pedestrian that I was unaware of, so either this guy has a third eye that sees supernatural which I don’t or that pedestrian was at my blind spot- either way it was UNINTENTIONAL)

Then I got a mail from the traffic camera unit that caught me running the red light- BAM. Another fine. (Ok this I admit, judge me If you’d like but hey we all make mistakes right)

This got me thinking: If I can lose such a large amount of money so easily, just by being on the road- which I do everyday; will I even have enough to live in the future?

I guess I’ve always been thinking about the lack of money (subconsciously), but this time It became apparent (conscious).

This is where Law of Attraction comes in.

Got a call from my friend asking me whether I would be interested to join this seminar that talks about how people can get rich and successful.

A stranger I talked to while patronizing Chapters introduced me to the concept of mentorship and invited me to a gathering of ‘rich and successful’ people.

You could probably predict where this is going.

Long story short: I went. I signed up. I quit. All in one week.

What I’ve learned from these experiences:

  • Better to pay now(parking, time) than to pay later(fines).
  • Don’t ever let $ sabotage your relationships, health and happiness.
  • You’re better of being a ‘poor’ writer/yogi (whatever your passion is) than making money through selling things/services that you don’t believe in.
  • Follow your gut instincts and do what feels right to you, even If you have to say no to what other people say yes to.
  • If you cry when you agree to something, its a sign you’re in bad shit. Get out ASAP.
  • Mentorship can be from anyone, because you can always learn something from someone (yes even an idiot- i.e. learn what to do to NOT be one)
  • Instead of seeking mentorship, provide mentorship. If you think you’re not knowledgable enough to mentor, at least guide others to not go through the same shit as you did. You can volunteer via those Big brothers/sisters type of programs.
  • Never go to these ‘talks’ hungry, because they won’t let you go(not physically but by guilt-tripping you mentally) until you sign a contract with them; and If you’re hungry you will most likely want to sign it off just so they can let you go get some freaking food already.

Most importantly, don’t let other people define what ‘rich, success and happiness’ means for you.

So no, MLM is not the only way you can get all of these.(All these ‘talks’ basically brainwashes you to think that way)

Ask yourself: “Why do I want to be rich and successful in the first place?”

Most people will say: “To be happy.”

Wanna know what I realized?

You can never be happy, if you’re never happy just being you.

Have all the traditionally defined ‘riches’ and ‘success’ in the world and you can still NOT be happy; if you’re not even happy with who you are, where you’re at and what you have right now.

Acceptance, gratitude and love. For this moment. For your presence.

“Let go of your expectations on yourself and others will free you and allow you to live your best life.”-Melissa Ambrosini (author of Mastering your Mean Girl)

When you’re happy with yourself, you would be more willing to find different ways to GIVE to others and make a difference in their lives; which makes them happy too, and yourself even happier!

It’s like the ripple effect:)

And If they don’t, you can tell them to GTFO(as above).

Don’t let their negative energy drain you, because life’s too short to worry about what some people might think of you and make you do the things that doesn’t light you up.

Wishing you much happiness,


Thank you for reading! Clap and share if you know this can benefit somebody who has experienced/is experiencing the same sentiment; or follow me If you wanna hear more of my random ramblings about life lol.



Yong Tien Cin
Yong Tien Cin

Written by Yong Tien Cin

A biologically affirmed adult with infinite facets of identity, living life fuelled by her inner child-like passions and desires. More musings @insta kind.r3bel

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