Stop asking me “ What foods should I eat?” when you probably won’t follow anyway
Struggles of a health & nutrition major graduate
Meeting new people and constantly having to introducing yourself all over again(who you are, what you do etc.) is inevitable (exception for those who lives in the middle of nowhere for their whole life 24/7).
Even Mowgli from Jungle book has to communicate with new animals (Yes, I’m that old-schooled).
So we kinda develop a script of what to say to propose our best selves, or comebacks to questions that we often get when we meet someone new.
Here’s an example of mine:
- What should I eat to lose weight?
Fruits and vegetables, none of those artificial processed crap. As If you did not know that already. Also, get your butt of that chair and start moving; don’t stress too much; sleep early; don’t -
Hmm maybe a better question for me to answer would be “What should I DO to lose weight”? -Perhaps I can write an entire topic on that (stay -tuned)
2. Can you make me a meal plan for me?
Sure, I’m just gotta pick a few recipes off Pin-interest and give them to you. Oh what? You could have done that yourself? That’s what I thought.
3. What do you think of grocery shopping?
We have a love-hate relationship. I like spending hours comparing nutrition labels, prices etc.and buying a bunch of stuff that I say I’ll eat or cook with but never ended up doing so; only realizing it has expired when I have to sort out my stuff because I need space for my new ice cream machine.
4. Do you eat like, healthy all the time?
Have you seen my Instagram feed? Although the word “healthy” is very subjective, can you be more specific?
5. Ok fine do you eat like, salad all the time?
No. Low sugar, high protein desserts and snacks? Maybe
6. Are you gonna judge me If I eat McD’s?
Are you gonna judge me If I eat Ben’s and Jerry’s?
7. So why did you choose to major in nutrition?
Ideal answer: I want to feed the hungry people in India, South Africa etc. and increase the average lifespan of these people.
My answer: I want to help people to eat healthier.
My internal monologue: I wanted to know what foods has the least calories and is good for my weight loss because I aspire to be like Kate Moss. *Munches on a celery
8. Oh so are you a n…(*cuts you off right there)
No, I’m not a nutritionist.
I’m a food scientist that makes snack bars for a living.
It’s like assuming a person with a philosophy degree will become a philosopher. I mean after all, aren’t we are all philosophers trying to figure out the logic of our own existence regardless of our majors?
9. Does Mars bars contain more calories than protein bars?
It depends. They might have the same caloric value but protein bars have a much higher content of protein in relation to carbs, so it would not spike your blood glucose level and cause your body to be like WTF. But depending on the type of protein bars too, some are full of crap like hydrogenated oils, HFCS, etc……
As you can tell I could go on forever about the topic regarding protein bars but I’m not gonna bore you with all the details right now. (Though let me know If you’re interested in a topic about that too lol)
10. Are you like, super buff now; since you eat so much protein bars?
I wish. But in reality it’s more like: “I can’t fit into my old pair of jeans anymore”, and we all know what that means. Though usually I’ll psych myself to think that my jeans had shrunk for no reason and it’s not my issue.
11. You must be super good at cooking too then right?!
Wait. Why?! It’s not like I went to culinary school…but I guess If you consider throwing a bunch of ingredients into a blender and call it a meal, then yes.
12. Are you down for some ice cream right now?
Hell yea! But can we go somewhere that serves chunky ice cream? You know, like those peanut butter cups with peanut butter swirls in peanut butter ice cream kinda style?
Ok, maybe I don’t follow my script exactly the way I’ve written it. Or at least I should have specify -“it’s the script that goes on in my head but doesn’t get revealed most of the time”.
Let me know what’s yours, or If you don’t have one I would think you live a multi-facet life and have something new to say about yourself every time. Hmm that’s actually pretty cool, can we talk?
Thanks for reading!