My thoughts on celebrating Chinese New Year
Probably not so ‘Asian-approved’
Chinese New Year customs in Malaysia revolve around big reunion dinners, eating “Yee Sang”, house visits, “Ang Pow” exchange, lion dances etc. Sure, the main idea of these customs is to bring people together and to bless each other. However, the intention of these blessings is usually done in hopes that one can give and get more monetary fortune and prosperity.
It’s time we re-evaluate and question why we celebrate Chinese New Year and do the rituals we’re told to do.
Is it really to improve our relationships and increase human connection? Does it serve as a mean to provide long-term happiness? Or is it really just an excuse to be able to spend more money on new clothing, to gamble, to eat voraciously?
Are we influenced by what the media tells us what Chinese New year should be and what we should have as a marketing tactic to get us to consume and spend more than usual during this festive season?
Looking at the tradition of Angpows, or red packets, are filled with a certain amount of money and traditionally handed out by married couples to their parents, single adults and children during the Chinese New Year celebrations as tokens of good fortune and blessing.
When I get these Angpows from family and friends, I could only think of how many papers are wasted to make these red packets. I’m not even excited to open and see how much there is in it anymore; or excited to see family or friends with the hope that the more people I meet, the more Angpows I will get and hence more money for me.
I guess it’s because I have no desire to have more money. Right now more money doesn’t make me any happier.
Then again maybe I’m blessed to have parents to provide my needs and wants that I don’t need any more money from others. I have enough to satisfy my basic needs and the extra fluffs that at this point in time, that keeps me mentally sane; like to fund my travels, to attend workshops, to buy new shoes when it wears out etc. I don’t have extravagant wants like wanting to live in a mansion one day or have my own private jet collection.
Perhaps in the future things may change that might require me to be more concern about my financial situation. Like when I get married. Or when I have kids. But then again why do I wanna cause anxiety about that when the future is uncertain? Let nature do its course. Don’t I fear I will suffer in the future? Sure I do, but have you ever thought what causes sufferings in the first place?
Take for example, If I feel like I don’t have the financial capacity to get married or have kids in the end, so what? I will be alone for the rest of my life? Well, I still have my friends and family, so technically I’m not alone.
You will only feel alone If you don’t have good relationships with the people around you right now and you think you need to create a dream family of your own in the future. But we all know that the chances of getting that ‘perfect family’ is pretty slim as well.
So If we look at the core reason we celebrate Chinese New Year, we’re looking at the desire of having better relationships, especially with our family.
Have you wondered why can’t you have good relationships? Why can’t you get along with others?
Check your energy. What vibes are you giving off to others?
Check your intention. Are you looking to get more than you give?
And If in the end, you do end up being ‘alone’, you’re gonna die alone in the end anyway so why not just be comfortable with being with yourself already?
If you see being ‘alone’ from a different perspective, you see solitude and the ability to do whatever you want with no responsibilities or obligation to others.
For me happiness is freedom. Freedom to do the things I like to do every day and sharing my joy with the people around me.
Then again, I guess not everyone has that privilege. Or perhaps not have as easy as compared to me at least. Though I’m sure I’m not the only one who is this ‘blessed’ position. Some might even have more than I do in terms of financial wealth, but feel they need more because they have no control of their own lives, who they are, what they wanna believe- their reason for existence.
They think more money can bring them more power and give them that ability to control one day.
But in reality, the more money they have the more they use it to distract themselves from the actual truth- the fear of pain. Not physical pain since they already have enough to cover basic necessities for survival, but mental and emotional pain stemmed from the inability to be comfortable and happy with themselves because they lose their worth and sense of purpose in life.
Of course sometimes physical pain can come from diseases or sickness as well and in order to be relieved from that you think you’ll have to pay exorbitant medical fees; but if we actually already pay attention to our health in our everyday lives (by prioritizing self-care, eating, sleeping well and exercising regularly), the chances of us falling sick will be much less.
And even If we do, we should just have faith that that moment will pass and just accept that everything happens for a reason.
The most important thing is that you did all your best with what you could control and you’ve lived with no regret. Call me cliche but it’s your choice whether you wanna take it, it works to keep my mind and soul at peace and I just want the same for you as well.
Go ahead and savor those pineapple tarts, or meet up with your relatives whom you’ve not kept in touch since last year’s Chinese new year reunion dinner. Don’t worry I’m not gonna judge, I just hope you don’t judge me as well If I choose to be doing the things that I normally do every day, like any other day; even during Chinese New Year.
Oh well, on a lighter note, Happy Chinese New Year! Just because:)
Thanks for reading!
Tien Cin
Instagram: thesunyogii