Lake O’Hara

How to satisfy your wanderlust when you can’t afford to

If only reality wasn’t such a bitch and things like teleportation and free slot machines actually existed

Yong Tien Cin
3 min readFeb 14, 2018


You’re a true explorer if:

  1. You procrastinate by comparing flight prices on skyscanner and signing up for price alerts (which you never end up buying most of the time)
  2. You crave different cuisines every other night (extreme cases- every meal)
  3. Your favourite clothings consist of heat-techs and Dri-Fits (Ideal: Dri-Fit sweatpants- If anyone owns one of this please let me know where you got it from thank you very much)
  4. You sign up for travel newsletters and read articles like: “Top destination to travel for food/extreme sports/ history etc.)
  5. Half the ‘friends’ on your FB does not live in the same area as you do
  6. One of your goals every year consist of: visit a new country/one of the 7 wonders of the world; or trying a new food you saw from those travel newsletters you’ve subscribed to (e.g. strawberry donuts in LA…don’t judge)

So If you think you’ve caught the travel bug, I feel ya. But hey at least its way better than catching the flu bug!

Traveling is certainly a life-changing experience and the benefits include:

  1. Being able to try new yummy cuisines/ingredients and be inspired to do your own fusion style (ooo miso caramel protein bars…)
  2. Being able to meet new people, experience new cultures and gain a different perspective on life
  3. Being able to justify ‘taking a break’ (hey i’m soul searching!) and not feel bad that you’re not doing what you’re ‘supposed’ to be doing (studying/working/going to the gym…)

4. Being able to get out of your comfort zone and explore what’s within you that you’ve never had the chance to discover before (No, kissing a frog does not make him your prince charming- this I learned, sadly)

5. Being able to take nice pictures that you can justify as ‘Insta-worthy’ and post it on social media e.g. Instagram (Follow me=>yongtiencin lol)

6. Being able to say you’ve kissed a frog- enough’ said.

This list could go on forever, but since this is not the main purpose of my article; I don’t wanna get sidetrack (because I know you have a short attention span) so I’m just gonna attach a link If you really wanna know more lol.

So why are we (and I) not traveling at this moment, all the time?

Because traveling takes up time and $$$, and we all have limited resources on that. You can certainly travel on a budget, but time you only have so much. In reality, you have to deal with school, work, family commitments etc.

So yes finally, to the actual topic.

How do one satisfy their wanderlust when they can’t afford to?

“The joy of life consists in the exercise of one’s energies, continual growth, constant change, the enjoyment of every new experience. To stop means simply to die.” — Aleister Crowley

Let’s think outside-the-box for a second.

Have you ever been to that park right across the street from your house?

Have you ever talked to that neighbour whom you passed by everyday when he is tending to his garden?

Have you ever tried going to a local cafe alone, order a fancy latte and just sit and people-watch rather than being busy with your smartphone/laptop?

Essentially, new experiences can be created everyday, anywhere; best of all- it’s all free.

It does take up some of your time, but If you have time to scroll through that FB feed or binge watch Riverdale; I’m sure you have time to go to a new place not too far away from you. Or even going to a place you patronize and view your surroundings from a different perspective (being observant helps).

Talk to strangers around you. Be curious about their lives. You’ll never know what you can learn from them, what connections you can make. (Unless you live in the middle of nowhere with a population of 10 people- in this case I suggest you pack your bags and move out)

Challenge yourself to do something new everyday.

(My next challenge? Approach a guy whom I think is cute and ask for his number lol. Who knows, I don’t actually have to be alone this Valentines day :p)

Be an explorer right here. right now.

Thanks for reading!



Yong Tien Cin
Yong Tien Cin

Written by Yong Tien Cin

A biologically affirmed adult with infinite facets of identity, living life fuelled by her inner child-like passions and desires. More musings @insta kind.r3bel

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