Conditions I have If you wanna be my traveling partner(s)
Could potentially be modified for ‘life partner’ as well
I’ve had enough experience traveling with other people to know what kind of situations make the trip much more conducive for all of us and what doesn’t. Sure one can try to work things out in certain circumstances, but the truth is I’m so comfortable doing things alone that I don’t see the point of spending my energy to vibe with someone else’s’- not when I’m traveling anyway. So selfish as it might sound, If you wanna travel with me you’ve gotta vibe with my energy instead.
To be my traveling partner:
1. You got to be open to sleeping on strangers couches, in farms, in treehouses, in the middle of nowhere with just nature (in tents or huts of course).
2. You got to be open to talking to strangers
3. You got to be ready for conversations with strangers (this is different from the previous point since this involves effort and curiosity whereas the previous point involves courage)
4. You cannot be (too) fussy with food. A dislike for a taste or an ingredient is fine but I’m not taking any bullshit like saying you are allergic to everything or complaining about how the food is too salty, too sweet, too whatever all the time (I’m not judging someone who claims they are ‘food connoisseurs’ but I’m just saying we won’t be the best traveling buddies that’s all. I’m sure you can find people out there who claim that they can only eat Seafood imported from Japan just as you do)
5. You got to be open to me doing yoga anywhere I can slide out my yoga mat (even better if you are down to do it with me lol)
6. You got to be open to chasing after sunrise and sunsets (and me leaving you behind if need to)
7. You got to be open to sleeping and waking up ‘early’- though quite subjective, generally never awake past midnight and waking up earlier than 9. (Some exceptions apply: jet lag etc.)
8. I don’t travel to get high with substances, bar or club hopping. So you got to be up to getting naturally high from car karaoke sessions, adventure activities, getting out of our comfort zone (hitchhiking etc.)
9. Oh, yea, be ready to ride a stranger’s car; or if we do rent a car, a stranger riding ours.
10. You gotta be ready to do your own shit and keep yourself occupied at times when I need my time alone or just wanna do things alone
11. You gotta be ready to cut the small talk and engage in DEEP conversations with me
12. You gotta be flexible(with schedules, timing, spontaneous activities, my mood etc.)
13. Extending on the previous point: some days we can be out for the whole day and some days we will just stay in and chill. Or at least you can be flexible with me doing that and you can just happily do what you would like to do as well.
14. You gotta be ok with spending (some) money (sensibly) and not be too calculative. I’m not sleeping in subway stations or airport just so you can save a night’s stay. Nor am I spending money on Hilton when I’m fine with a hostel (though cheap hotel deals are considerable)
15. You gotta be ready for the occasional work exchange, e.g. cleaning up after your stay, cooking for our host etc.
16. You gotta keep up my with my pace of walking, slow and steady and you’ll just get left behind(sorry that’s just the VATA in me you gotta be aware of)
17. You gotta learn how to travel light. I’ve got no desire whatsoever to hear you complain or wait for you as you lug that 20kg luggage up and down the subway stairs
18. You gotta dress sensibly and with practicality. So common sense would say you need more than a pretty cardigan for a negative zero degrees weather. Also, please no dress shoes or heels during the trip. Unless you don’t mind getting it dirty and you can still keep up with my pace(as above).
19. You gotta be involved in the trip planning as well. If I’m in charge of accommodations have the decency to offer to plan the transportation or at least some aspects of the trip.
20. You’ve got to have some opinion on where to go and what to do. I have my list that you can follow but it’s not exactly what your list would be I’m sure. (If you say it is then you’re just fucking lazy to think for your own)
*These are subject to changes (just like everything else in life)
By now you’re probably thinking: “Gosh this girl is so demanding, and there are just so many things we don’t see eye to eye about.”
Totally understandable. That’s why you’re not obliged to travel with me just as I am not obliged to with you. Also why I usually travel with a group of 2,3 (4 is pushing it. The more people, the more opinions and differences that has to be considered/tolerated).
The reason I have my conditions is so that I can assure that any trip that we do end up doing together is of the best interest for all.
Generally the really good experiences I’ve had with people centred around these conditions. All in all I want to experience joy and peace and I only get that If others experience that for themselves as well:)
That being said, with my experiences of traveling with people, I would like to provide you a general idea of HOW TO KNOW for yourself whether you and your traveling buddy will have a wonderful experience together(and save you from unnecessary potential suffering, yes you can thank me later).
Tip #1: Are your intentions for traveling aligned with the other person’s intention? If one’s intention is to relax and the other’s is to get out of their comfort zone then you better think twice about traveling together……don't try to delusion yourself to think it would work somehow.
Understand that there is no right or wrong, just different ways of looking at the idea of travel.
(Your friend may be a good friend back home but when it comes to travel, trust me it’s ok to go lone- in fact, I’m saving your friendship here lol)
Tip #2: Do you both have somewhat similar lifestyles? E.g. Early bird or late owl? Hotels or hostels? Public transportations or cabs? (Sure you can compromise but just be ready to sacrifice your sanity and wellbeing for it)
Tip #3: Are you both involved in the planning of the trip? So both of you are aware of what you’ve put yourself up for and nobody is blaming one another if expectations are not met.
“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret” — Oscar Wilde
I hope you’ll have a memorable experience with traveling, however, you choose to do it- solo or with others.
Thanks for reading!
Instagram: @thesunyogii